Moving Day!

Twas a cold and frosty morning between Chrismas and New Year when we dragged ourselves out of bed to stand in the cold for an hour and a half watching John and Wayne unload our lovely van at its forever home. Sam and I were way more excited about this event than we were about Christmas. However, we had not considered that men were involved. No offence guys but why does it take 2 cups of tea, 10 fags and countless discussions to complete a task?? Well, eventually the deed was done and our van was in its new permanant spot. By which time we were utterly bloody freezing and had to retreat to a well knows supermarket cafe for coffee.

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We still have some work to do – carpets to be laid, newly upholstered furniture to be delivered, one more matress to be purchased and last bits of prettying up to be done – but the end is in sight and we are almost ready to have our first try out weekend.

We are taking booking now. You can book from here or from our Facebook pages, both of which will take you to out bookings page on AirB&B. We have already got a booking for the Summer hols so get in quick!

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